Contact Us: Sanchez AKC Boxers

Angie & Pedro Sanchez

(281) 203-2007

Contact Us about our Studs available for Service

What Stud are you interested in ?

If you would like to be notified of future breedings, please fill out the following contact form and we will be happy to let you know. At the end of the form, please include the information listed below. Anyone who fails to submit this infomation, will not be added to the list. Please remember that show puppies are given priority in placement.
1. Your personal experience with boxers.
2. Home type and condition (house, apt, fenced yard, etc.)
3. Your vet's name and phone number.
4. Number of other dogs in the home.
5. Number of people in the home and ages.
6. Plans for the dog (pet, agility, breeding, etc.).
7. Any preference in a puppy (Male, female, fawn, brindle, white)

Contact Us about our Puppies

What color coat do you prefer?

Which do you prefer ?

Plans for your new boxer?

Do you have experience with boxers?

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